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Labor Day = Big Savings

Posted by TestOut Staff on

The U.S. observance of Labor Day had its first formal stirrings in 1887, when Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day a darn tootin', sure-as-shootin' public holiday. They're nothing if not progressive in Oregon, which is also where the first one-way streets in a U.S. city were laid out, as well as being the (highly generalized) location of the first facility to successfully breed harbor seals in captivity.

Yee-haw! It's Labor Day!

The rest of the country joined in the festivities (regarding Labor Day, not seal breeding) over the next decade, with 30 states in all (out of 44) having formally adopted Labor Day by the time it became a national holiday, federally endorsed by Congress, in 1894. In 2018, Labor Day is widely seen, in addition to commemorating and honoring historical labor activism, as signaling the end of summer.

Here at TestOut Continuing Education, Labor Day also signals a fat discount on one of our most popular training and certification products. That's right, it's time for another Library Suite sale! Some of you out there almost certainly didn't take advantage the last time that there was a Suite deal going on, and have probably been marinating in a bitter, yet savory solution of grief and regret ever since.

Well, guess what, happy days are here again! That's right, from now through Sept. 9, you can get full one-year access to the Library Suite for just $595! The regular price is $895, so we've hacked off a cool $300. That's enough cold hard cashola to get a basic Netflix streaming account for three (!) years. Or you could pick any 300 items (!!) from the dollar menu at Taco Bell or Burger King.

Look, do whatever you want with the money that you save. Just don't let this literally golden opportunity pass you by. The Library Suite can help you train and prepare for 21 different certification exams from CompTIA, Microsoft, and Cisco. Not only that, but every course lets you earn one of TestOut's own performance-based Pro certifications. It's a win-win! Don't delay: Get the Labor Day Suite Deal today!

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