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Make a Certification Resolution

Posted by TestOut Staff on

There's a long tradition in the annals of humanity of resolving to improve oneself in various ways at the start of each year. Many centuries ago, the inhabitants of Babylon would make a religious vow at the start of each year to return borrowed objects and pay debts. In ancient Rome, many citizens of the empire would begin the first month of the year by making promises to Janus, the god of (among several other things) beginnings.

Take a flying leap into 2019!

No one is perfect, and most people aren't 100 percent satisfied with their individual status quo, whatever that may be. The start of a new year is both an exciting time and offers a clear delineation that we can point to for the next 12 months to remind ourselves of all our good intentions. It's the perfect time to take stock, decided where we can (and should) do better, and lay out some clear and achieveable self-improvement goals.

If you're like us and think about IT certification a lot, then the dawn of a new year is a great time to hit the ground running on the path to that next IT certification. Certification brings all the intangible rewards of learning while also offering a straightforward means of career growth and professional advancement. It's a win-win situation: You keep your spirit fresh and your mind sharp, while adding new skills and tools to your career portfolio.

It's also a great time for your financial portfolio. Here at TestOut Continuing Education we often wrap up the old year by offering a killer deal on certification and training materials, and then ring in the new by extending that holiday promotion for long enough to let you catch your breath and clear your head from staying up all night on Dec. 31. As you may have already noticed, we're currently running our Library Suite promotion.

The Library Suite is your perfect certification accessory. When you buy the Library Suite, you get access to every training and certification course we offer for an entire year. And if you buy it right now, you get all of that for just $495. That's less than some people pay to take a single certification exam! Best of all, you can still get that price through Jan. 13. Start the new year off right by resolving to get certified and then give your resolution a turbo boost with a great deal on great training!

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