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The Force Is Strong with TestOut Certification Training

Posted by TestOut Staff on

The Force AwakensHappy Star Wars Day from TestOut Continuing Education! Yeah, we know, some of you think that Star Wars Day happens in May. May the 4th be with you and all of that. (Trivia time: Star Wars was actually released on May 25, 1977, so, um, yeah. Sorry May 4.) Don’t kid yourself. Dec. 18 is the new Star Wars Day. We participated in a pre-Star Wars Day screening last night, and if the level of enthusiasm we observed at the local 17-screen theater is any indication, then it’s clear that We the People have unequivocally declared a brand new Star Wars Day. Look around your office at any point today, count how many people are mysteriously absent, and we think you’ll agree.

Technology has changed a lot since the first Star Wars movie was released. Certification can help you keep pace with the new developments in your realm of IT specialization, which is one of the best reasons to keep your certifications current. You don't want to end up like some poor smuggler, still hustling stolen or contraband goods in your 70s because you let the changing times pass you by. Just like our name says, at TestOut Continuing Education we believe in the power of lifelong learning. And when certifications change, TestOut training is updated.

Take CompTIA's popular A+ credential. CompTIA revises and updates A+ (and its other certification exams) every three years. Which is a darn good way of doing business, given how rapidly IT innovation and evolution tends to occur. The A+ was first introduced in 1993, and the original exam probably didn't cover at least half the material that it does today. The best certification training has to be timely as well as comprehensive, and we think you'll find that TestOut training for CompTIA certifications is both.

So enjoy the new Star Wars Day, and enjoy the holiday season. And when the New Year rolls around, come see us at TestOut Continuing Education. We can help you get your old certs up to date, or embark on an all-new certification adventure. Merry Christmas, and may the Force be with you.

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