Upgrade Your Salary With Security+
CompTIA Security+ SYO-401
TestOut's Security simulation course is the most comprehensive training to date. It will give you the knowledge and experience you need to enter the industry as an IT security administrator.
Product Includes:139 Training Videos |
122 Written Lessons |
74 Lab Simulation Exercises |
82 Section Quizzes | 117 Demonstrations | 1037 Exam Questions |
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Single Course --- Three Exams
When you complete the LabSim for Security Pro course, you will be prepared to take any or all of three separate certification exams:- TestOut’s Security Pro Certification exam
- CompTIA’s Security+ exam (SY0-401)
- (ISC)2's SSCP exam
More Labs
Practice makes perfect. Security Lab Simulations will help you gain the skills that employers are looking for. Simulated training can help you perfect your security skills by having you complete the tasks that the IT industry seeks.3
Capstone Simulations
Our new Capstone Simulations test you on the knowledge gained throughout the course. In these simulations you will act as the IT Security Administrator for a small corporate network and will be tasked with running several scans on your network, identify issues and work to correct them for the entire office.guarantee. Try it risk free!
experience without any risks.
online at home or work.
helps track your progress.
- Certification Magazine Feb 2015 Winter Edition
I have certified myself in A+, Networking, Security, CCNA and finishing the 70-410 all through Testout I can not tell you how this has transformed my career and my personal confidence in the IT world. I hope this email finds you well, and that you will pass my complete satisfaction and success due in large part because of TestOut.
Ron Scarborough
IT Engineer
Because of TestOut, over the last few years of my career I was able to pass the certification exams needed to keep my skills current. Thanks for providing an affordable IT training solution. Your products were most valuable!
Ron Largett
In 2013 when I first started out to achieve my A+ certification I took a class through community college that was a textbook based with limited labs. In May of 2014, at the end of the course, my instructor told me that I was ready for A+ and would be fine. I took the exam and barely passed receiving a 650 on the 801 and you need a 650 to pass. I took the 802 immediately after the 801 and bombed. After I failed I went through a free online video class and took notes and then went to take it again and I failed again by 1 questions. It was not until I got into the Test Out lab sims to get the hands on experience and take the practice exams that I passed with a 94%. Test Out’s material has helped me immensely in passing the certifications I need as a network administrator.
Patrick Bukowski
Systems Administrator