IT Insights Blog — TestOut Continuing Education
Better #SocialMedia Management
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We don't always think through the full implications of what we say or how we act. This can be damaging in many spheres, but is particularly problematic in the social media realm. Often the public profile (or at least a strong and highly visible element thereof) of an entire organization is in the hands of a single individual. You don't even have to fall flat on your face — a minor misstep can blow up into a major embarrassment.
Specialize to Succeed
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When thinking about successful people in a given career, you’ll notice that they all have their specialties. Johnny Depp, an amazing actor, specializes in character acting. Steph Curry, former NBA MVP, specializes in ball handling and shooting. Elon Musk, a world famous engineer and investor, specializes in certain transportation advancements specifically with his work on Tesla, HyperLoop and SpaceX.
Come ALIVE to Help Disengaged Employees
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Beware of Job Burnout
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Winter is over! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox officially arrived on March 20. It is called the equinox because it is one of two days on which night and day are almost exactly the same length: 12 hours. It’s also a Latin word that literally means “equal night” (equi, equal; and nox, night).
Do IT Now
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During the early days of my college career, my personal motto when it came to my studies was, “If you wait 'til the last minute, it only takes a minute!” I lived by this motto for a couple of years, and loved it. I would procrastinate until there was no other option but to pull an “all nighter” to finish a project. That seemed to be a small price to pay for the fun I had while putting aside my school work.